Medium Voltage Power Cables NFC 33-226
Medium Voltage Power Cables NFC 33-226

Medium Voltage Power Cables NFC 33-226

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These power cables are the new generation of cables forpublic medium voltage distribution--HTA. Used for direct installation on the ground, water, outdoors, indoors and in cable ducts.

The cable is made of 1 or 3 bunched cores.
The longitudinal seal is provided by a swelling powder.

● Conductor :Aluminum or copper, class 2,circular compacted conductors
● Conductor screen: Non-metallic,semi-conducting compound
● Insulation:Cross-linked polyethylene(XLPE)
● Insulation screen:Non-metallic,semi-conducting compound,extruded strippable grooved elastomer
● Longitudinal water tightness: Swelling powder
● Metallic screen: Aluminium plastic tape (AL/PET)
● Outer sheath: Polyethylene (PE)

IEC 60228 Conductors of insulate cables
NFC 33-226 Câbles isolés et leurs accessoires pour réseaux d'énergie Câbles de tensions assignées comprises entre 6/10(12) kV et 18/30(36) kV, isolés au polyéthylène réticulé à gradient fixé, pour réseaux de distribution
IEC 60502-2 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1kV(Um=1.2kV) up to 30kV(Um=36kV) - Part 2:Cables for rated voltages of 6kV(Um=7.2kV) and 30 kV(Um=36kV)


● Maximum conductor temperature in normal operation:90˚C.
● Short circuit temperature ( 5 seconds maximum duration ): Shall not exceed 250˚C.
● Ambient installation temperature, range: -10 ~ 50 ˚C.
● Weather resistance: AN3/AF2
● Water proof: AD8
● Mechanical resistance to impacts: AG4
● Minimum bending radius:
Items Single-core Cables Triplex Cables
During installation 20D 15D
After installation 15D 10D
Note:D is overall diameter of cable.
High reliability
Super high pressure
Less maintenance
Single core cable AL/XLPE/PE
No. of cores and nominal cross section Min.Number of wires Nominal insulation thickness Nominal AL/PET
 tape thickness
sheath thickness
Approx. overall diameter Approx. weight Max. DC resistance of conductor
at 20℃
mm² No. mm mm mm mm kg/km Ω/km
1×50 6 3.4 0.20 2.0 23.1 546 0.641
1×70 12 3.4 0.20 2.0 24.8 646 0.443
1×95 15 3.4 0.20 2.0 26.6 762 0.320
1×120 15 3.4 0.20 2.0 27.8 858 0.253
1×150 15 3.4 0.20 2.0 29.3 967 0.206
1×185 30 3.4 0.20 2.0 31.0 1109 0.164
1×240 30 3.4 0.20 2.0 33.3 1324 0.125
1×300 30 3.4 0.20 2.0 35.5 1545 0.100
1×400 53 3.4 0.20 2.2 38.6 1878 0.0778
1×500 53 3.4 0.20 2.2 42.1 2262 0.0605
1×630 53 3.4 0.20 2.4 46.2 2782 0.0469
1×50 6 4.5 0.20 2.0 25.5 641 0.641
1×70 12 4.5 0.20 2.0 27.2 747 0.443
1×95 15 4.5 0.20 2.0 29.0 870 0.320
1×120 15 4.5 0.20 2.0 30.2 969 0.253
1×150 15 4.5 0.20 2.0 31.7 1085 0.206
1×185 30 4.5 0.20 2.0 33.4 1232 0.164
1×240 30 4.5 0.20 2.1 35.9 1470 0.125
1×300 30 4.5 0.20 2.1 38.1 1700 0.100
1×400 53 4.5 0.20 2.2 41.0 2029 0.0778
1×500 53 4.5 0.20 2.3 44.7 2444 0.0605
1×630 53 4.5 0.20 2.4 48.6 2960 0.0469
1×50 6 5.5 0.20 2.0 27.7 735 0.641
1×70 12 5.5 0.20 2.0 29.4 847 0.443
1×95 15 5.5 0.20 2.0 31.2 975 0.320
1×120 15 5.5 0.20 2.0 32.4 1079 0.253
1×150 15 5.5 0.20 2.0 33.9 1199 0.206
1×185 30 5.5 0.20 2.0 35.6 1353 0.164
1×240 30 5.5 0.20 2.1 38.1 1599 0.125
1×300 30 5.5 0.20 2.2 40.5 1853 0.100
1×400 53 5.5 0.20 2.3 43.4 2192 0.0778
1×500 53 5.5 0.20 2.4 47.1 2621 0.0605
1×630 53 5.5 0.20 2.5 51.0 3152 0.0469
1×50 6 8.0 0.20 2.0 32.7 973 0.641
1×70 12 8.0 0.20 2.0 34.4 1097 0.443
1×95 15 8.0 0.20 2.1 36.4 1254 0.320
1×120 15 8.0 0.20 2.1 37.6 1366 0.253
1×150 15 8.0 0.20 2.2 39.3 1514 0.206
1×185 30 8.0 0.20 2.2 41.0 1682 0.164
1×240 30 8.0 0.20 2.3 43.5 1948 0.125
1×300 30 8.0 0.20 2.4 45.9 2223 0.100
1×400 53 8.0 0.20 2.5 48.8 2586 0.0778
1×500 53 8.0 0.20 2.6 52.5 3046 0.0605
1×630 53 8.0 0.20 2.7 56.4 3609 0.0469
No. of cores and nominal cross section Min.Number of wires Nominal insulation thickness Nominal AL/PET
 tape thickness
sheath thickness
Approx. overall diameter Approx. weight Max. DC resistance of conductor
at 20℃
mm² No. mm mm mm mm kg/km Ω/km
3×1×50 6 3.4 0.20 2.0 49.9 1596 0.641
3×1×70 12 3.4 0.20 2.0 53.6 1893 0.443
3×1×95 15 3.4 0.20 2.0 57.5 2240 0.320
3×1×120 15 3.4 0.20 2.0 60.0 2525 0.253
3×1×150 15 3.4 0.20 2.0 63.3 2854 0.206
3×1×185 30 3.4 0.20 2.0 67.0 3316 0.164
3×1×240 30 3.4 0.20 2.0 71.9 4003 0.125
3×1×300 30 3.4 0.20 2.0 76.7 4673 0.100
3×1×400 53 3.4 0.20 2.2 83.4 5678 0.0778
3×1×500 53 3.4 0.20 2.2 90.9 6842 0.0605
3×1×630 53 3.4 0.20 2.4 99.8 8412 0.0469
3×1×50 6 4.5 0.20 2.0 55.1 1939 0.641
3×1×70 12 4.5 0.20 2.0 58.8 2259 0.443
3×1×95 15 4.5 0.20 2.0 62.6 2630 0.320
3×1×120 15 4.5 0.20 2.0 65.2 2931 0.253
3×1×150 15 4.5 0.20 2.0 68.5 3280 0.206
3×1×185 30 4.5 0.20 2.0 72.1 3727 0.164
3×1×240 30 4.5 0.20 2.1 77.5 4445 0.125
3×1×300 30 4.5 0.20 2.1 82.3 5141 0.100
3×1×400 53 4.5 0.20 2.2 88.6 6135 0.0778
3×1×500 53 4.5 0.20 2.3 96.6 7391 0.0605
3×1×630 53 4.5 0.20 2.4 105.0 8952 0.0469
3×1×50 6 5.5 0.20 2.0 59.8 2223 0.641
3×1×70 12 5.5 0.20 2.0 63.5 2560 0.443
3×1×95 15 5.5 0.20 2.0 67.4 2949 0.320
3×1×120 15 5.5 0.20 2.0 70.0 3263 0.253
3×1×150 15 5.5 0.20 2.0 73.2 3626 0.206
3×1×185 30 5.5 0.20 2.0 76.9 4090 0.164
3×1×240 30 5.5 0.20 2.1 82.3 4834 0.125
3×1×300 30 5.5 0.20 2.2 87.5 5602 0.100
3×1×400 53 5.5 0.20 2.3 93.7 6629 0.0778
3×1×500 53 5.5 0.20 2.4 101.7 7927 0.0605
3×1×630 53 5.5 0.20 2.5 110.2 9533 0.0469
3×1×50 6 8.0 0.20 2.0 70.6 2943 0.641
3×1×70 12 8.0 0.20 2.0 74.3 3317 0.443
3×1×95 15 8.0 0.20 2.1 78.6 3791 0.320
3×1×120 15 8.0 0.20 2.1 81.2 4132 0.253
3×1×150 15 8.0 0.20 2.2 84.9 4579 0.206
3×1×185 30 8.0 0.20 2.2 88.6 5085 0.164
3×1×240 30 8.0 0.20 2.3 94.0 5892 0.125
3×1×300 30 8.0 0.20 2.4 99.1 6721 0.100
3×1×400 53 8.0 0.20 2.5 105.4 7821 0.0778
3×1×500 53 8.0 0.20 2.6 113.4 9210 0.0605
3×1×630 53 8.0 0.20 2.7 121.8 10914 0.0469

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